Spin Cycle Squares


Spin Cycle Squares is a LGBTQIA+ square dance club located in Eugene-Springfield, Oregon

We welcome ALL dancers, singles and couples.

There is no dress code and we dance all position dancing.

Currently we dance the Mainstream and Plus levels of Modern Western Square Dance to CALLERLAB standards.

Our regular dance night is Sunday from 4:10 to 6:00

Special Dance April 13 with guest caller Terri Sherrer

Planned exceptions:

July 6 No Dancing

September 21 No Dancing

October 12 No Dancing

Our dance location is the Emerald Square and Round Dance Center (Google Map Link)

2095 Yolanda Ave Springfield, OR 97477

We dance in Hall A at the front of the building

Email can reach us through the Club Webmaster. Or by phone contact David at 541-520-7311 (10 AM to 6 PM Pacific Time please)

We are affiliated with the International Association of Gay Square Dance Clubs

and the Emerald Empire Area Council of the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs.

Our Links Page