

International Association of Gay Square Dance Clubs

The primary parent organization for worldwide LGBTA square dancing, includes club and major events listings as well as other links.

Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs

The state federation of clubs, includes information about square and round dancing throughout Oregon.

Gay Square Dance Groups

Rosetown Ramblers

The Basic through Plus level LGBTA dance club in Portland, Oregon.

Heads to the Center

This is the Portland, Oregon LGBTA club for Advanced levels

Puddletown Dancers

The GLBTA club located in Seattle, Washington.

Wilde Bunch

The GLBTA club located in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Desert Valley Squares

The GLBTA club located in Phoenix, Arizona.

Square Dance Resources

Tam Twirlers Taminations

A set of animations provided by the Tam Twirlers Square Dance Club. It covers Basic, SSD, Mainstream, Plus, Advanced, C1, C2, and C3A and C3B. May take a moment to load. Apps for it are available at Google and the Apple App Stores

Vic and Debbie Ceder’s Square Dance Resources

An extremely useful resource filled with call definitions, frequently asked questions, clubs and caller information, and choreography sets.